Dream Catchers for Peaceful Sleep & Energy Protection | Nymph KI
For centuries, dream catchers have been sacred tools used to filter dreams and protect energy. Negative energy and bad dreams become trapped in the intricate webbing, while positive dreams flow freely through the open spaces, traveling down the feathers to the sleeper.
To maximize its energy, hang your dream catcher 4 feet above your bed at a 45-degree angle for the best energy transfer. To cleanse it of trapped negativity, gently waft sage or palo santo over the webbing. If you ever need a break from its energy, you can lay it on a flat surface until you're ready to reconnect.
Each dream catcher in this collection is handcrafted with intention, infused with positive energy, and designed to protect your space and bring peaceful sleep.
Browse our handcrafted dream catcher collection and find the perfect one to bring peace, protection, and balance to your space.